(852) 2510 9680
Service Plan | 服務計劃
At WebCount Solutions Limited, we’re on hand at all times to ensure that you get the help and advice you need. Let our expert technicians diagnose the problem, and give you whatever services you need. That way they can determine exactly what needs to be done and do it, getting you back to work sooner rather than later.
確保您獲得所需的幫助和建議。 我們的專業技術人員及顧問,不但助你找到問題所在,並為您提供所需的相關服務。 這樣,你便可以早日恢復正常的工作。
Upload File 上傳檔案
Please Login to our server to submit your data to our Member Support Department by just a few steps
Please call our hotline after upload completed: (852) 2510 9680 or email to cs@webcount.com.hk. Please also mention the file name.
This server is secure and owned by WebCount Solutions Limited; you may submit sensitive data. We value your privacy. Submitted Data will be deleted after 1 month.
請在上載完成後致電支援熱線: (852) 2510 9680 或電郵至 cs@webcount.com.hk。 請註明檔案名稱。
您可能會提交重要而敏感的資料,我們也珍視您的隱私權,特此為伺服器提供適當的保護! 提交的資料亦將會在 1 個月後從伺服器中刪除。